
We're committed to providing everyone who uses our website with equal access to our information.

We aim for accessibility to be an integral and essential aspect of the design and build of our website. Our intention is to ensure that, as much as possible, our web pages can be viewed and navigated effectively by everyone.

The accessibility standards we aspire to are in accordance with those specified by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) – the internationally recognised standard produced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We are working towards compliance with all WAI priority one checkpoints.

Customising our site

Our web pages are designed so that you can adjust the size of the font to make it easier to see. If you wish to do so, please see the guides for some of the most popular web browsers below.

Customising settings in:

Firefox (opens in a new window) >

Internet Explorer (opens in a new window) >

Google Chrome (opens in a new window) >

Navigating our website

Our website contain many links to useful information which are coloured to make them easily noticeable. Links to non-Cromwell Hospital websites and downloadable files such as PDFs will open in new windows. When your mouse cursor hovers over these links, a short descriptive text box will normally appear, letting you know that it is a download.

For non-mouse users and those that use screen readers, our website pages can be accessed using your standard keyboard shortcuts and links are made as descriptive as possible.

Help with downloads

Our content may contain links to PDF files. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to open these. This can be downloaded from Adobe for free.

Visit Adobe (opens in a new window) >