Meet Annabelle Claveria, Healthcare Assistant and Phlebotomist

Annabelle Claveria, Healthcare Assistant

Annabelle Claveria, Healthcare Assistant, Phlebotomist and Cromwell Ambassador, shares her experiences at Cromwell Hospital.

It is important for me to love what I do, and I love my job as a healthcare assistant. Every day, I look forward to seeing my colleagues and meeting new acquaintances, patients, and their relatives.

I usually start my day with positive quotes that I’ve saved from the evening before. I read them on my commute, and then when I’m walking from the tube station I listen to a variety of uplifting music.

Every day brings a different experience. Working in the outpatient department can be unpredictable. I have to have a good mindset for the day, so that I have the right amount of stamina, resilience, humour and, most importantly, calmness.

They say first impressions don't last, but in outpatients first impression lasts. We only have a small amount of time to build rapport to patients. There may be regular patients in outpatient, but they will always remember the first time they met us. The first time we did a blood test, took their height and weight, or assisted them on a procedure. Building a rapport with our consultants is also essential. It’s important to get to know each other and the way they work. That way we can meet their expectations, and they can collaborate with us. All of this brings a better delivery of service for our patients. Communication is key.

I’ve been working in the health sector for almost twenty years, and I think it’s important to keep working to improve our knowledge and skills, supported by hard work and dedication. I make sure to have conversations with my seniors and manager around how I want to improve and training opportunities; I don’t want to rest on my laurels. It’s something I didn’t always have confidence doing.

I’ve recently become a Cromwell Ambassador. This has benefitted my mental and emotional wellbeing at work. Being connected to wider departments and colleagues is about happiness for me. I think of it like networking; I know who I am going to ask whenever I need something for the patients, and it is easier to direct patients and colleagues to where they can seek help or queries. As I’ve got to know more people, I’ve realised that they are more fun, and have more sense of humour than me, and are more engaged. What a beautiful feeling it is to get to know positive people in Cromwell Hospital.

I believe healthcare assistants are the backbone of nursing and for healthcare providers as a whole. I truly see that without healthcare assistants in clinical setting there will be no bridge between our seniors, consultants, and patients.

I am proud of what I do most especially working in a private hospital like Cromwell. I can give the quality of care I believe the patient deserves. I have the equipment and facilities I need so we can deliver our work and service for our consultants and patients smoothly.

Every day my reward is the direct verbal thank you from patients and consultants. Receiving gratitude from them is always priceless – they’ve taken the effort to thank us. Our patients have high expectations and see us as high calibre nurses and staff. We are world-class because we come from different backgrounds including our culture, skills, and experiences, and we have brought them all together in Cromwell for the benefit of our patients.

I am proud of all the healthcare assistants at Cromwell, who work hard, providing quality care with compassion at the hospital.

Learn more about working at Cromwell Hospital >

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