Mr Giles Davies is a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at Cromwell Hospital, specialising in breast cancer surgery and breast reconstruction.
We spoke to Mr Davies to find out more about his typical day as a surgeon.
Tell us about your role as a Consultant Breast Surgeon at Cromwell Hospital.
My role as Consultant Breast Surgeon involves clinics, where I assess patients and, if required, offer them mammography and ultrasounds with results delivered immediately.
Patients are referred to us with symptoms, or having had a recall from a routine mammogram. Most of these patients are reassured immediately but a small number are diagnosed with breast cancer. This then leads on to the other half of my job, which is around breast surgery.
I am an Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, which means I am trained in surgical oncology. This involves removing breast cancer and reconstructing the breast using plastic surgical techniques, such as flaps and implants.
A large part of my role involves coordinating and leading a large multidisciplinary team of specialist nurses, radiologists and oncology colleagues who deliver chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
I'm also Director of Breast Surgery at Cromwell Hospital, chairman of the cancer board, and involved in developing the service more widely with innovation and new opportunities.
What does a typical day look like for you as Consultant Breast Surgeon?
I can be in the hospital from 7am, reviewing and consenting patients for surgery. I perform four operations between 8am and midday and check they are all well on the ward.
At Basinghall Clinic, I see new patients referred with symptoms and concerns. Some evenings there will be a multidisciplinary meeting, or a board meeting or other non-clinical commitments.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I enjoy the impact that I can make for my patients, which can be immediate and life changing.
I have now looked after some of my patients for 14 years since their original operation. We are very close, as that professional relationship has cemented itself after a very traumatic experience. It is very rewarding to see most of my patients go on to flourish and live full and happy lives.