Meet Miss Samantha Tross, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Samantha Tross

Miss Samantha Tross is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Cromwell Hospital, specialising in hip and knee surgery. In 2005, she became the first black female Orthopaedic Surgeon in the UK, and, in 2018, became the first woman in Europe to carry out a Mako robotic hip surgery.

Miss Tross works with various charities and organisations to help promote surgery as a career for women and under-represented minorities. Recently, she was honoured by global organisation MIPAD (Most Influential People of African Descent) for her role as Trustee of the British Association of Black Surgeons.

In October 2023, she received the joint Special Recognition Award for contribution to Diversity in Surgery from the Caribbean Global Awards and HERA.

Find out more about Miss Samantha Tross >

Why were you attracted to specialising in orthopaedic surgery?

I loved the fact that patients were generally well, with only an injured body part and that the results of the surgical intervention, could be seen fairly quickly. In my sub-specialty of hip and knee surgery, we are moving towards day case hip and knee replacement surgery. Orthopaedic surgery offers a wide range of sub-specialties and enables you to treat young and old, male and female patients. In addition, the first female surgeon I saw was an Orthopaedic Surgeon and the surgeons I worked with were mostly encouraging.

What do you enjoy most about being an Orthopaedic Surgeon?

The ability to make a significant impact in someone’s life and usually over a short space of time. I also love the fact that the specialty is constantly evolving and the varied equipment that we get to use.

What was the proudest moment in your career?

I don’t have a single moment. Passing my exams and becoming the first black female Orthopaedic Surgeon in the UK, the first female in Europe to perform Mako Robotic Hip Surgery, and being asked by my Orthopaedic colleague to perform a knee replacement on his mother when there were other surgeons in the department who were also capable of performing the procedure have to be my top ones. These achievements are equaled though by seeing my patients achieve the outcomes they desired due to my surgical expertise.

Tell us about your role as Trustee of the British Association of Black Surgeons

The British Association of Black Surgeons charity was formed in response to the negative differential attainment achieved by black surgeons compared to their white counterparts as well as other minority groups. The organisation aims to be a source of education and mentoring for its members but also aims to work alongside the Royal Colleges and relevant organisations to promote equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging within the surgical landscape. I am one of the Founding Members. As a Trustee, my role, along with other Trustees is to be responsible and accountable for the overall running of the charity.

Any advice for young black women interested in a career in surgery?

It’s a wonderful profession and one absolutely within their capability. They should take time to know themselves, so they can make a career choice aligned with their strengths, find a suitable mentor and build a strong support network. Most importantly they should work on bolstering their self confidence in case they encounter any negativity.

Why did you choose to join Cromwell Hospital?

I was approached to join the hospital as it had no female Orthopaedic Consultants at the time and large Arab clientele. I did not hesitate because of the hospital’s reputation for excellent patient care and service delivery.

What are your interests outside of work?

I work with various organisations and charities to raise awareness of surgery as a career for women and under-represented minority groups. Aside from that, I love dancing, fine dining and travel.  I’m a lifelong learner and am always seeking new experiences.

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