Patients and visitors / Your child as a patient

Before your child's stay

You can help your child get ready for their hospital stay by arranging to visit us beforehand.

Our play specialists can show you one of the bedrooms, as well as the colourful play area with toys, books, and electronic games.

We'll also be able to answer any questions you may have. If you’d like to arrange a visit, please call us on +44 (0)20 7460 5991.

We may ask your child to attend our pre-admission clinic or to go for MRSA screening.

If your child is having surgery, they will need to wash with a special liquid soap before their procedure. You can either collect a prescription from the hospital, or buy it at your local pharmacy.

Children's pre-admission clinic

At our pre-admission clinic, we will carry out all necessary tests and ask you to complete all paperwork ahead of admission.

This leads to a smoother process when your child comes into hospital. Please ask your consultant whether you need to attend the clinic.

We’ll also answer any questions you may have and explain any pre-procedure instructions to you and your child.

At your child’s appointment, we will:

  • take a record of weight, blood pressure, pulse rate, immunisation record, and any medicines that your child is taking
  • carry out blood tests and any other tests your consultant has ordered
  • ask girls aged 12 or older for a urine sample to rule out pregnancy (as per best practice guidelines by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health)
  • screen certain patients for MRSA
  • give all patients having surgery a prescription for a special liquid soap, to wash with before their procedure

To arrange an appointment at the pre-admission clinic, please call +44 (0)20 7460 5700.

Opening hours are 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday.

MRSA screening

For certain procedures, your child may need to have an MRSA screening one to four weeks before they come to hospital.

We might ask for them to screened if:

  • they are having orthopaedic surgery, an ear implant, neurological/spinal surgery, or a central venous catheter (CVC) inserted
  • have been admitted with open wounds and lesions
  • have a previous history of MRSA infection or colonisation
  • have been admitted from another hospital
  • have come from overseas

If the test is not done at the hospital, you will need to email the laboratory results to our pre-admission team before your child’s reservation is confirmed.

Find out more about our MRSA screening process (PDF, 467Kb) >

Book an appointment today

Call us now for appointment bookings, general queries, and personalised quotes.

Alternatively, you can contact us using our online form.