Adenotonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the adenoids.
What is adenotonsillectomy?
Adenotonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the adenoids. The adenoids are small lumps at the back of your throat; they’re barely visible even when looking directly into the mouth. Adenoids are an important part of the immune system, helping to fight infection and protect the body from bacteria/viruses.
The adenotonsillectomy procedure is generally for children who have developed swollen or enlarged adenoids. This is usually after a viral or bacterial infection or an allergic reaction.
The surgery is performed if the child has:
- Recurrent or persistent sinusitis
- Difficulty in breathing
- Recurrent or persistent problems with the ears, such as infections
- Difficulty in sleeping
The procedure takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes and is performed under general anaesthetic by an ENT (ear, nose and throat) consultant surgeon. It can be performed either through the nose or the mouth, resulting in no external scars.
Once the adenoids have been removed, your child will be transferred to a recovery room. Depending on the case, your consultant will advise on the duration of stay at hospital needed.
The recovery period varies for each case – your healthcare team will advise you on the next steps and will support you and your child throughout your journey with us.
For most cases, the surgery is a daycase surgery and you/your child will be able to go back home the same day. It is normal to have a sore throat and feel sleepy after the surgery.
Paying for your treatment
We welcome both self-paying and insured patients.
Self-pay patients
We offer several ways for patients to self-pay, including pay-as-you-go and self-pay packages.
Insured patients
At Cromwell Hospital, we accept private health insurance from most major providers, including AXA, Aviva, Bupa, and Vitality.
Self-pay package
As well as working with all major insurance companies, we also welcome patients who wish to pay for themselves.
Below is an outline of our self-pay hospital package for this procedure, which includes tests, hospital stay and procedure.
Please note: it does not include consultant fees, which may vary.
Hospital package from £3,195 (daycase), £3,985 (1 night), and £5,140 (2 nights).
When enquiring about this package, please quote F3480.
- Pre-admission outpatient tests, which includes standard pathology and diagnostic tests (ECG & Chest X-ray), if required.
- Recovery and accommodation which includes up to 2 nights stay in a private room.
- Ward medications, dressings and nursing consumables.
- Theatre Procedure: Adenotonsillectomy, including anaesthetic drugs and theatre consumables.
- Standard post –op medication issued and used during the inpatient stay.
- Inpatient physiotherapy & surgical stockings.
- Discharge medication pertaining to the condition being treated by this package (up to £50).
- All patient meals and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Consultant surgeon and consultant anaesthetist professional fees
- Companion beds and catering for relatives/visitors
- Diagnostic tests, ultrasounds, MRI, CT, PET and nuclear medicine scan, unless stated above.
- Additional prosthesis e.g. implants and grafts.
- Additional pathology and supplies not pertaining to the condition being treated by the package.
- Histology tests (analysis of specimen, if taken), unless otherwise stated above.
- Blood transfusion if required: cross-matching, platelets, fresh frozen plasma and other blood products.
- Neurophysiology, audiology, occupational therapy and speech therapy.
- Take out supplies.
- Personal expenses – telephone calls, additional catering, ambulances, etc.
- Re-admission for return to theatres
- If pathology test Resistant Organism Screen (Mdr) is required, £165 will be charged in addition.
- If microbiologist services are required, an additional initial fee of £250 will be chargeable. Thereafter a follow up fee of £200 will be chargeable.
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