Cancer counselling

Cancer brings about many changes in a person’s life, emotional as well as physical. We offer counselling as an important means of support for you and your family.

What is cancer counselling?

Sometimes it may be difficult to express your feelings. You may be frightened of upsetting people who are close to you; equally, your family may be worried about upsetting you. It is often easier to talk to a professional counsellor than to your family and friends.

Counselling offers you a time and place where you can explore emotional issues in complete confidence. It allows you time to talk about, and make sense of, what you are feeling.

Counselling can help you explore ways of coping with your illness as well as how to discuss it with those close to you.

People deal with the experience of cancer in different ways, but at any point it is normal to feel:

  • shocked, confused or out of control
  • frightened, angry or sad
  • concerned about treatment
  • worried about the future
  • overwhelmed by a sense of loss
  • anxious about your body image and sexuality
  • worried about the strain on personal/family relationships
  • isolated and alone with your feelings

These feelings can also be experienced by your family and others close to you.

Find out more about the types of cancer we treat >

Our qualified counsellor is very experienced in the field of cancer counselling. You can see her for a confidential session either individually, as a couple or with other members of your family (including children aged five and over).

The hospital offers all patients and their families eight sessions free of charge. For those who have reservations and are uncertain about counselling, we offer a preliminary session so you can decide whether or not it is right for you.

Contact us today

Our team will be happy to answer any questions and book your appointment.

Self-pay: +44 (0)20 7244 4886
Insured: +44 (0)20 7460 5700

Meet our Macmillan Cancer Counsellor

Helen Storey is a qualified psychotherapist and specialist cancer counsellor, with over 30 years' experience in giving emotional support to those impacted by cancer: both patients and their families, including children.

Helen offers a safe, confidential setting where you can talk honestly about your feelings and any concerns you have.

Find out more about Helen Storey >

Book a cancer counselling appointment

To make an appointment you can contact the counsellor directly or via one of the nursing staff. If you would like an immediate consultation, we will do our best to arrange this.

To contact the cancer counsellor directly, please call +44 (0)20 7460 5972 or email

The following services may also be of interest:
Breast care nurse: +44 (0)20 7460 5890
Therapies: +44 (0)20 7460 5749
Nutrition and dietetics: +44 (0)20 7460 7301

Find out more about our Integrated Cancer Campus >

Paying for your treatment

We welcome both self-paying and insured patients.

Our locations

Book a cancer counselling session today

Please note - regrettably we are unable to answer specific medical questions or offer medical advice via email or telephone.