Diagnostic ERCP
Diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a procedure used to investigate any problems in your bile and pancreatic ducts.
About diagnostic ERCP
It is carried out using an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube fitted with a small light and video camera, which in combination with X-rays will give your hepatologist a clear picture of how well your liver, gallbladder, and bile and pancreatic ducts are working.
We also offer therapeutic ERCP to treat problems such as gallstones.
Your hepatologist may recommend a diagnostic ERCP to investigate suspected problems of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, or bile ducts and to learn more about the causes of symptoms such as:
- unexplained abdominal pain
- yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice)
- abnormal results from a blood test, ultrasound, or CT scan
Your hepatologist may also carry out a diagnostic ERCP to investigate conditions such as gallstones, pancreatitis, or tumours. They may take a small sample of tissue (biopsy) through the endoscope.
Your consultant will discuss with you how you can prepare. You may be asked to avoid eating and drinking for a few hours before the procedure.
An ERCP takes about one hour. You can choose to have it under sedation or general anaesthetic.
Your hepatologist will place the endoscope in the back of your mouth, before guiding it gently down to your stomach and small intestine. A special dye, which shows up on X-rays, is injected through the endoscope.
The combination of video image from the endoscope and X-rays will provide your hepatologist with a detailed picture of how well your liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and bile ducts are working.
Your doctor can also use small tools passed through the endoscope to take a small sample of tissue (biopsy).
After an ERCP, you will need to rest in hospital for a few hours, and possibly overnight. You may experience some bloating or nausea for a short time. You may also have a slightly sore throat when the local anaesthetic wears off, which can last a day or two.
Self-pay package
As well as working with all major insurance companies, we also welcome patients who wish to pay for themselves.
Below is an outline of our self-pay hospital package which includes tests, hospital stay, and procedure. It does not include consultant fees, which may vary.
- Hospital package from £2,280 (day case), £3,150 (one night), and £4,420 (two nights).
When enquiring about this package, please quote J4300.
- recovery time in the endoscopy suite
- nursing
- pre-procedure bowel preparation if required
- consultant consultation fee
- post-op and discharge medication
- general anaesthetic if needed
- artificial implants, including stents
- neurophysiology, dietician, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy
- non-standard diagnostic and histology tests
- any additional costs not specified in the package inclusions
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