Hallux valgus (bunion) correction
Hallux valgus (bunion) is a condition whereby a misalignment of the big toe(s) causes it to crowd the smaller toes, by drifting towards the outer edge of the foot.
About hallux valgus (bunion) correction
Hallux valgus (bunion) is a condition whereby a misalignment of the big toe(s) causes it to crowd the smaller toes, by drifting towards the outer edge of the foot. It can cause the toes and feet to swell and be painful.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed and all options are discussed, patients that suffer from hallux valgus may benefit from surgery to reposition the bone (an osteotomy).
Patients who have been experiencing pain and discomfort in one or both feet, or have difficulty with shoes as a result of hallux valgus (a bunion), may be suitable for the surgery.
Your consultant will discuss your suitability for this surgery in more detail, after your initial consultation and any required tests/imaging.
The procedure is usually a day case, with most patients going home the same day. Occasionally patients may need to stay one night in hospital.
General anaesthetic with local anaesthetic to the area is usually the preferred option as it provides excellent pain relief. Your surgeon will then cut, reshape and redirect the effected bone, securing it in the correct direction using small screws.
The length of time it takes to recover after your surgery depends on various factors, including your age, fitness level prior to your surgery and any existing conditions. You may need to wear a special post-operative shoe for a short period of time and usually, most patients can return to their usual activities six weeks after surgery.
Our dedicated recovery team of specialist nurses and physiotherapists will work with you closely to make sure your build strength and mobility as quickly as possible.
Self-pay packages
If you wish to self-pay for your treatment, we offer a range of package options, including:
- Hospital packages that group standard diagnostics and the procedure into one clear price. Consultant fees, anaesthetist fees, and any other addition to your treatment are billed separately.
- Fixed price packages that group everything you may need for treatment into one clear price, including pre-admission tests, the procedure, professional fees, post-op outpatient care, and any other consultant-recommended services.
If you would like to enquire about a self-pay package, please call our dedicated team on +44 (0)20 7244 4886.
Included in the package price:
- Consultant Surgeon and Consultant Anaesthetist procedure fees.
- Two follow-up consultations with consultant within post-op timeframe.
- Pre-admission outpatient tests, which includes standard pathology and diagnostic tests (ECG & Chest X-ray), if required.
- Recovery and accommodation which includes a stay in a private en-suite room.
- Ward medications, dressings, and ward nursing consumables.
- Theatre Procedure, including anaesthetic drugs and theatre consumables.
- Theatre Prosthesis.
- Pathology and histology, if required.
- Standard post–op medication issued and used during the inpatient stay.
- Inpatient physiotherapy and surgical stockings, if required.
- Discharge medication pertaining to the condition being treated by this package.
- All patient meals and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Return to theatres within 6 weeks of the procedure date due to complication.
Excluded from the package price:
- Take out supplies.
- Companion beds and catering for relatives / visitors.
- Personal expenses –telephone calls, additional catering, ambulances, etc..
If additional night’s stay, diagnostics, or other services are requested from your consultant you will not be charged in addition for these as these are included within the Fixed Price Package.
Consultants offering this package:
When enquiring about this package please quote W0321.
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Our team will be happy to answer any questions and book your appointment.
Self-pay: +44 (0)20 7244 4886
Insured: +44 (0)20 7460 5700
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Please note - regrettably we are unable to answer specific medical questions or offer medical advice via email or telephone.