We have a dedicated team of pharmacists and an in-hospital pharmacy to support you throughout your treatment.
Inpatient pharmacy services
Our pharmacists provide information and advice about medication to both our consultants and patients staying in hospital. They visit the hospital wards daily to talk through the medication needs for each patient.
When it's time to go home, our pharmacists will prepare you a discharge pack if you need to continue to take medication when you get home. This will explain everything you need to know about taking your medication, including details to ensure you don't mix incompatible medications.
Outpatient pharmacy services
Before dispensing medicines, our pharmacists will talk through your prescription with you. They will ask about your clinical condition, lifestyle and personal circumstances.
Your identity is protected in the pharmacy public area by the unique number attached to your prescription order. A screened-off area of the sales counter is available for private conversations, along with a private consultation room.
Chemotherapy for cancer patients
Our pharmacists prepare chemotherapy doses tailored to your needs, each time you visit for treatment.
They're also able to give you advice about chemotherapy and what you can expect during treatment.
Chemotherapy doses are prepared in an in-house 'aseptic production facility'. This means our pharmacists work in a completely sterile and quality-controlled environment while preparing your medication.
Book an appointment today
Call us now for appointment bookings, general queries, and personalised quotes.
Alternatively, you can contact us using our online form.