Dr Jason Chow
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Languages spoken: Cantonese English
Dr Jason Chow
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Languages spoken: Cantonese English
Appointments available at:
Cromwell HospitalPatient Age Group
AdultsYear qualified
Medical oncologySubspecialties
Hepatobiliary, Upper GIClinical Interests
About Dr Jason Chow
He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) and is a member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the Associated of Cancer Physicians UK (ACP).
Dr Chow’s main clinical interests are in lung cancer and upper gastrointestinal cancers, including hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancers. As the current Head of the Department of Oncology at his NHS Trust and the Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Multi-disciplinary team lead, he is heavily involved and dedicated to the development of cancer diagnosis and treatment pathways. His position in the senior leadership of the oncology department as well as Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Multi-disciplinary team lead ensures that he is in touch with the leading and most effective treatment techniques for his patients. He has had a keen interest in education and training and has been the joint Training Programme Director for Oncology specialist registrars across St George’s Hospital and Guys’ and St Thomas’ Hospitals. He has also been the college tutor for the Core Medical training doctors.
Having joined the consultant body at St George’s Hospital in 2018, he plays a leading role in departmental senior leadership, departmental management, staff recruitment and clinical governance leadership. As a consultant specialising in the treatment of lung and upper gastro-intestinal cancers, he is part of a team and network of cancer specialists spanning Southwest London to include St George’s Hospital, The Royal Marsden Hospital, and King’s College Hospital. He is also interested in clinical research and is a principal investigator and chief investigator in several clinical trials treating patients with cancers of the lung or upper-gastrointestinal tract.
Dr Chow holds a post as an honorary senior lecturer at St George's University London. He has an interest in the teaching and training of junior doctors and has been the departmental lead for teaching at St George’s Hospital, leading wide-ranging oncology teaching programs both within the department and the wider hospital alongside programs in London. He is a keen lecturer and has been invited to speak at numerous national and international meetings. He is also keen on undergraduate teaching, where he takes part in formal lectures for St George’s Medical School as well as being an undergraduate medical examiner at St George’s University, London.
Dr Chow has worked together with a network of colleagues to develop the Non-Specific Symptoms Pathway at Cromwell Hospital and is able to see patients who have symptoms and are worried about a cancer diagnosis, needing urgent diagnostics to confirm or exclude a cancer diagnosis.
Meet Dr Jason Chow, Consultant Medical Oncologist
NHS Base (trust)
Professional memberships