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Dr Rajesh Gabani

Dr Rajesh Gabani

Consultant Paediatrician

MBBS. MD (Paeds), FRCPCH (Lond), PGCWBME (Manchester)

Languages spoken: Bengali English Hindi Sindhi

Dr Rajesh Gabani

Consultant Paediatrician

MBBS. MD (Paeds), FRCPCH (Lond), PGCWBME (Manchester)

Languages spoken: Bengali English Hindi Sindhi

Appointments available at:

Cromwell Hospital

Patient Age Group


Year qualified







Neonatal medicine, Paediatric cardiology

Clinical Interests

All aspects of your child's physical health, acute or ongoing, including well baby checks; Electrocardiogram (ECG); 24 hr tape (Holter test); Patient activated monitor (Tom thumb); Echocardiography; Health assessment and advice for all children; Well baby checks; Cardiac conditions (heart murmurs, chest pains, palpitations, fainting/syncope); common infant problems like colic, excessive crying, sleep disturbance, behavioural issues and feeding problems; Early developmental check; Family screening of congenital heart disease; Respiratory conditions (coughs, fever and respiratory infection, wheezing and asthma); Gastrointestinal conditions (constipations, colic, reflux, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and cows milk protein allergy, lactose Intolerance, weight loss or suboptimal weight gain); Funny turns, headache; Urinary tract infection, bed wetting and renal pelvic dilatation; Eczema and skin rash.

About Dr Rajesh Gabani

Dr Rajesh Gabani is a Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist and specifically interested in Paediatric cardiology, neonatology, as well as medical problems in infants and medical education. He has extensively trained in India and the UK and has been in Paediatric practise as a Consultant for last 12 years.

He developed a peer-reviewed paediatric cardiology screening service in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London. Dr Gabani is an educator, as he provides hands-on training in CHD Echocardiography.

Besides cardiology, Dr Gabani has a keen interest in medical problems during infancy including reflux, infantile colic, cow's milk allergy, respiratory issues (wheezing, asthma etc), gastrointestinal problems (abdominal pain, faltering growth, constipation, diarrhoea etc), renal problems (UTI, renal pelviectasis etc) and common skin related condition.

He is an assessor in a variety of roles of education supervision, undergraduate OSCE examiner, START assessor and MRCPCH clinical examiner.

He is a active member of PECSIG (Paediatrician with expertise in Cardiology - special interest group) and a faculty on hands on paediatric cardiology and ECG courses for trainees through out London and the south east.

NHS Base (trust)

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust

Professional memberships

European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA), Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS), Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)