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Dr Triet Hoang

Dr Triet Hoang

Consultant Radiologist

Languages spoken: English

Dr Triet Hoang

Consultant Radiologist

Languages spoken: English

Appointments available at:

Cromwell Hospital

Patient Age Group


Year qualified





Clinical radiology


Breast radiology

Clinical Interests

Mammograms, breast and auxiliary ultrasound, breast MRI, breast and auxilliary lymph node biopsies, stereotactic vacuum biopsies of breast lesions, staging CT, wire localisations of breast lesions, and ultrasound guided breast and axillary lymph node marker insertions.

About Dr Triet Hoang

Dr Triet Hoang is a Consultant Radiologist with a special interest in breast imaging. He works both in the symptomatic breast service at the Royal Free London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, as well as in the NHS breast screening programme at North London Breast Screening Unit.

NHS Base (trust)

Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

Professional memberships

General Medical Council (GMC), Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) , British Society of Breast Radiology (BSBR)